On the 4th of November, Professor Franz-Josef Villmer and H & H corporation welcomed to the 21. Fachtagung Rapid Prototyping / the 21. Expert conference Rapid Prototyping at the University of Applied Sciences in Lemgo Germany.
With about 400 registrations the lecture-theatre was filled to the last seat. The audience from industry as academia gathered to hear the latest news on rapid prototyping, additive manufacturing, mass customization and the future of products and their production from selected industry experts.
Dr.-Ing. Bernhard Langefeld from Roland Berger gave a keynote on ‘Additive Manufacturing – Next Generation’. Highlighted were the needs for better software integration and documentation, the potential of new materials such as metallic glasses and new technology concepts like multi-laser spot arrays. Further, a topic which usually doesn’t get much attention was the health risks of laser based metal AM. Most of the data presented was from the second Roland Berger study on Additive Manufacturing which can be requested for download here.
Interesting to hear was a huge push for applying AM in orthopedics and custom tailored shoes realized with AM. Dr. Marcus Rechberger from Lehmann & Voss & Co. KG, a material supplier, used the 3D printed sport shoe from Under Armor as an example application. Mr.Rechenberger mentioned that the materials won’t be a problem. Christoph Lindner from Hewlett Packard 3D Printing, picked up the topic shoes too. HP will be offering it’s Jet Fusion technology as an open platform regarding materials. However, even though the machine architecture of the Jet Fusion system is looking progressive, regarding job handling and a design for high machine utilization, it is still not a system for mass production.
Volker Junior from PHOENIX highlighted the disruptive potential of AM technologies for orthopedic shoe makers. Mr. Junior used the tangent of digital photography and what has happened to KODAK. So what if perfect fitting, custom tailored shoe becomes ‘the normal’? But looking at a market potential of hundreds of millions, new/industrial manufacturing systems will be needed. Batch processing techniques, capable of producing a few hundred units a day, won’t be able to satisfy the market demand. According to Volker Junior initial manufacturing requests from industry does exceed 10 000 units already. Requests for annual production batches are exceeding 100 000 units. And this is just the beginning. But to get there, the hardware infrastructure for digitizing the customer’s feet has to be put in place. – So again, the market enabler will be the input data.- Design for Additive Manufacturing is the key enabler to utilize AM technologies and to create business cases. It was mentioned more than once that it is not about screening the product portfolio where AM could be applied but about changing entirely the design thinking for future products.
Also very interesting was the presentation of Johannes Lohn from DMRC / PHOENIX Contact GmbH. Mr. Lohn presented details of a custom tailored polymer powder bed fusion system, capable of processing non-standard materials. The material was called ‘PA6 like’ as it still needed some additives making it possible to be processed. The prototype machine has a 12 zone heating system allowing a maximum pre-heating temperature of 350 degrees centigrade. Pyrometric sensors and thermo-vision cameras are used for process monitoring. The system is developed by DMRC and PHOENIX-Contact GmbH a manufacturer of industrial automation, interconnection, and interface solutions. PHOENIXs aim is to be capable of processing production materials for series parts of up to 500 units in the future. PHOENIX Contact GmbH is currently turning it’s rapid technology department into an own company called PROTIQ. When Dr. Erik Klemp from VoestAlpine (former CEO of DMRC) asked if any patents have been issued for this new system, Mr. Lohn answered: “Of course not. Our aim is to push things forward”.
There were plenty of interesting presentations over the whole day but just too much to summarize here. Please see below and check this link for downloading the presentation from the HS-OWL website.
The program
Welcome words
∙ Prof. Dr. Ing. Stefan Witte, Vice-president of University of Applied Sciences, Lemgo
Der digitale Wandel in der Hausgeräteindustrie Digital change in the whitegood-Industry
∙ Dr. Eduard Sailer, CTO Miele & Cie. KG, Gütersloh
Inhaltliche Einführung in die Fachtagung – Die RP-Fachtagungen von 1996 bis Heute Introduction to the expert conference – The RP-Expert Conference from 1996 til today
∙ Prof. Dr.-Ing. Franz-Josef Villmer, Hochschule OWL, Lemgo
∙ Raphael Hoffmann, Vincador Holding GmbH, Hamburg
H & H GmbH, Leopoldshöhe
∙ Dr.-Ing. Bernhard Langefeld Roland Berger Strategy Consultants GmbH, Frankfurt
Funktionales Design für die Additive Fertigung Functional Design for Additive Production
∙ Dr.-Ing. Guido Adam, DMRC, Universität Paderborn
Selektives Laserstrahlschmelzen – Chancen und Herausforderungen Selective Lasersbeam melting – Chances and Challenges
∙ Peter Koppa from the DMRC was presenting on behalf of Dr.-Ing. Volker Grienitz, BENTELER Automobiltechnik GmbH, Paderborn
Keynote – Bionic Smart Factory 4.0 – Fabrikstruktur zum industriellen 3D-Druck Keynote – Bionic Smart Factory 4.0 – Company design for industrial 3D-printing
∙ Markus Möhrle (Roland Berger / LZN) was presenting on behalf of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Claus Emmelmann, Laserzentrum Nord LZN , TUHH, Hamburg
Additive Fertigung und Topologieoptimierung – eine perfekte Symbiose? Additive Manufacturing and Topology Optimization – a perfect symbiosis?
∙ Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eva Scheideler, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Franz-Josef Villmer ∙ Dr.-Ing. Guido Adam, Marc Timmer, Hochschule OWL; H&H, Leopoldshöhe; DMRC, Paderborn
Neue Polymer-Werkstoffe für den industriellen 3D-Druck New Polymer-aterials for industrial 3D-printing
∙ Dr. Marcus Rechberger, Lehmann & Voss & Co. KG
HP Multi Jet Fusion
∙ Christoph Lindner, Hewlett Packard 3D Printing, Barcelona
Design-Futures: Innovative Lichtgestaltung durch 3D-Drucktechniken Design-Futures: Innovative Light-Desing through 3D-Printing Technologies
∙ Mary-Anne Kyriakou, Detmolder Schule für Architektur und
Innenarchitektur, Hochschule Ostwestfalen Lippe / School for architecture and interior design University of Applied Sciences Detmold
Keynote – Direct Photonic Production – Ansätze für die (Additive) Fertigung der Zukunft Keynote – Direct Photonic Production – Approaches for (Additive) Manufacturing of the Future
∙ Uni-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.Wirt.-Ing. ∙Johannes Henrich Schleifenbaum, RWTH Aachen University – Digital Additive Production Fraunhofer-Institut für Lasertechnik ILT, Aachen
QM in der Additiven Fertigung QM in Addivie Manufacturing
∙ Andrea Huxol, Hochschule OWL, Lemgo
Verarbeitung neuer Materialien im Polymer-Lasersinterprozess Processing of new materials in polymer laser sintering
∙ Johannes Lohn, DMRC, Universität Paderborn, Phoenix Contact, Blomberg
Automatische Konstruktion und digitale Ketten in der Orthopädietechnik Automated construction in digital design processes in orthodaedic technology
∙ Junior, phoenix GmbH & Co. KG, Gröbenzell
Herausforderungen beim Einsatz von AM Challenges in applying AM
∙ Dr.-Ing. Eric Klemp voestalpine Additive Manufacturing Center GmbH
Ende des Vortragsprogramms – Zusammenfassung durch den Vorsitzenden End of the presentation program and summary by the chairman
∙ Prof. Dr.-Ing. Franz-Josef Villmer, Hochschule OWL, Lemgo
Further many companies of the additive manufacturing industry andorganisations were exhibiting:
Industrie 4.0 /Fachbereich Produktion und Wirtschaft der Hochschule
Ostwestfalen, Lemgo
Technologie Transferstelle der Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe, Lemgo
Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe e. V.
Written by Matthias Bringezu